Painting & Printmaking School of Fine Art

Kira Craig (She/Her)

My work is an exploration of the unconscious mind. The main object of my practice is looking at thoughts, secrets and feelings. Due to human nature, we aim to keep these private. However, these are some of the key components that make us. Within my work, I have been investigating how to depict these.

I have structured my work off the surrealist’s use of automatic writing and drawing. Through the means of paint, I have been articulating my thoughts by placing them layer by layer over each other. Using handwriting to keep it personal, I follow the conscious stem of thought without any pauses. This then, when revisited by a viewer, only allows the viewer to see a small portion of what is written. For the other aspect of my work, I have been looking at sound, finding inspiration from concrete music. By following the stream of automatism and my paintings, I layer spoken word over each other to create an environment where them listener can only hear some words but not everything.

‘The Walls Are Talking’
‘Side By Side’
‘Word Over Word’

‘The Walls Are Talking’

Glasgow School Of Art Degree Show.

acrylic, chalk, pencil on 7 x 1m x 8 foot ply sheets.



Left wall.
Left side.
Right wall.
Right side.

‘Side By Side’

acrylic, chalk, pencil and ink on ply wood.

1m x 1.5m


Side By Side

For Sale: Price on Request.
Close up of left side.
For Sale: Price on Request.
Close up of right side.
For Sale: Price on Request.

‘Word Over Word’

Acrylic, chalk, ink, on wood

21 x 30cm


Word Over Word.

For Sale: Price on Request.