Lin Bu (She)
As a graphic designer with a background in law, I have a passion for translating social issues into visual language and exploring the connections between the two, thinking about how to communicate with people through the language of design. I am passionate about typography and book binding design, I have sought to develop my knowledge of typography and editorial design through a range of self-directed projects in postgraduate studies.
I enjoy aligning type with the page, collecting content for books and experiencing the impact of different materials and printing methods on design. I prefer think design as uncertain and controversial, with each design decision leading to some envisaged ‘end’. I am progressing through this constant choice, trying and figuring out how to become a qualified graphic designer.
Now Life In China
For this project I used first-hand images and interviews collected from my parents as base content to produce a publication about the lives of ordinary people in China during the pandemic covid-19 from my parents’ perspective. I used a deconstructionist approach to reorganize the content of the publication and combined expressive typography and semiotics as the main visual communication methods for the publication.
This project I fictionalized a protest against women’s health issues caused by the lack of data on women in drug trials. I used the data visualization and the visual development of the slogan and logo as the main method of messaging, applying the data visualization to the poster and further making the poster dynamic to enhance the visual impact and storytelling of the message. The project aims to draw attention to and reflect on the issue of the gender data divide through protest, through the use of traditional protest activities, banners, posters, clothing and other physical outputs as visual representations.