Mahtab Gholamzadehfard


Brussels Food Market
This project aims to use the population diversity of Brussels City as a tool to bring people together from different backgrounds and cultures through a food market. Based on the ethical city researchers and answering the thesis question regarding how to feed the population sustainably, some research shows that the most successful food-related projects go beyond a standalone building designed for a single purpose, such as production or distribution. Instead, mixed-use schemes can facilitate the many roles required in the food network, and that’s where the idea of creating an urban farming space comes in. So, this project is a food market as a gathering point with Urban farming(vertical farming), which produces crops for using and selling in the market as a sustainable way of producing food.
The project will be located in the heart of Molenbeek (Ninove Park) alongside the canal, where all roads lead and have a strong connection with the city centre, making it an ideal spot to attract tourism. The current condition of the Molenbeek is poor, with homeless living around the canal, which has a negative impact on the canal potential. Also, Molenbeek is known as a “NO GO ZONE”. This project will also tackle these issues to improve the current condition by proposing an architectural design different from the existing buildings to convey a sense of luxury and vitality.