Nikoline Sonasson

Nikoline Sonasson’s focus lies in how to make people more aware of the environmental crisis we are in through art. In her analogue lens-based practice, Sonasson makes work that focuses on the landscape, environment and the impact humans have on nature, by exploring different landscapes and what humans are doing to help regain the wilderness. Sonasson investigates what time does to a landscape, how the change of the landscape leaves behind a new land, and how that develops through time.

Falljökull (The Falling Glacier)
Falljökull (The Falling Glacier) is about the melting glaciers in Iceland, documenting the fastest melting glacier outlet from Europe’s largest. A landscape that is changing from the consequences of humanity, a landscape that will disappear in my lifetime. By going to Iceland, I was also exploring an undiscovered connection to Iceland as my family name may have Icelandic roots.