School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art

Rachel Marston

My work runs within the repeats of recognisable touches, deciphering the marks of moments that linger. Recently, I have been considering the previous and future dwellers of students within Stow college, the role of the inanimate facilitator, the distortions of collective memory and the more ethereal exchanges within a crowd and between a crowd and performer.

The building of Stow college, when those within it are communicating, can feel like a painting stick being dunked in pot after pot. Experiences, memories, thoughts and associations bleed into each other as years pass – with poignant tones remaining within people. Previous marks on the wall sit as sediment for new ones underneath the white layers of paint. It is nice to think that rooms have a feel to them beyond appearance – that the heel marks on wooden floors make you feel like dancing. I am drawn to how wooden floors, platforms and spotlights illuminate ghosts of shifting scenes above. In pursuit of this inanimate facilitator, I wanted a stage to be built outside Stow to house an array of performances from those currently and previously in the art school. With GSA providing no communal space for us to convene, this celebration showed the necessity of this. The night of performances was organised with Flo Brace and happened on the 19th May 2023, titled SHOW. Pictured below.

Since this event I have been thinking of ways to alternatively and authentically document such moments, with these drawings depicting a merge of sketches created by Louis during the performances and scraps and shadows that the stage itself cast.





